$76.94 Savings on MSRP $11.49
  • SKU 27157
  • Manufacturer METREX/TOTALCARE
  • Packaging CA / 100
  • MSRP $88.43

Silicone Soft Relining System. SoftLine is the soft alternative to acrylic-based reliners that cures entirely in the mouth in three minutes, with no heat, odor, or unpleasant taste plus no messy mixing or handling. SoftLine is compatible with all methylmethacrylate-based synthetic materials. It is applied chairside, utilizing an auto-mix delivery system that allows for equal mixing with a one-to-one ratio, while minimizing the risk of cross-contamination. The materials are available in three tissue shades as well as translucent. SoftLine can be used effectively to relieve pressure areas in the upper and lower jaw. It provides post damming in case of adhesion problems and improves fit with flabby ridges. It can also be utilized for cushioning implants and as overdentures during the healing process.


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